Rock Gardens Services

Image Rock Gardens Landscaping Services in Vancouver

Rock Gardens Services

We have the expertise, equipment and tools to handle any rock garden project, no matter the size or complexity of your landscape. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us make your landscape beautiful with our rock garden service.

Seasonal Services

We can also provide seasonal services such as leaf removal, snow removal, spring and fall cleanup.

Rock Gardens Service

Rock Gardens Services

Rock garden service is another service we offer at our gardening business. We can help you create a stunning and unique landscape feature by arranging rocks and plants in a naturalistic way.

Rock Selection

We can help you choose the right rocks for your rock garden, based on your style, budget and site conditions. We can source indigenous rocks that match your local geology, or exotic rocks that suit your desired theme.

Rock Placement

We can help you place the rocks in your rock garden, following the principles of balance, harmony and contrast. We can create different levels, shapes and textures with the rocks, and make them look weathered and aged.

Plant Selection

We can help you choose the right plants for your rock garden, based on your climate, soil and sun exposure. We can select plants that thrive in rocky conditions, such as succulents, alpines, mosses and ferns.

Plant Placement

We can help you place the plants in your rock garden, following the principles of color, form and scale. We can create focal points, accents and contrasts with the plants, and make them look natural and integrated with the rocks.
Gardeners Landscaping Services in Vancouver

We have the expertise and equipment

We have the expertise, equipment and tools to handle any landscaping maintenance, no matter the size or complexity of your property. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us take care of your landscape with complete landscaping maintenance service.